Friday, December 18, 2009

What is Bash Back?

The only requirement to start a Bash Back! chapter is consensus on the various points of unity listed below. Some people will have no problem with them whatsoever. However, there are undoubtedly other radical queer/transgender people who very much want to participate in direct action but who may not agree with all of the points of unity.  Hence the question mark in the header of this blog.

The purpose of this post is not to start a sectarian flame war.  It is merely to facilitate connections among like-minded radical queer/transgender people and to let anyone who might be interested know what comes with the  "Bash Back!" name (assuming their is any interest). The name of the game is non-hierarchical, consensus-based organizing  (For people who may not be familiar with the consensus process, Gay Shame has a good example of what it entails on their website.)

 Having said that, I'd be interested in hearing what other radical queer/transgender people in the area think--about Bash Back's points of unity, of course, but also if you think there is even a need for a(nother?) loose collective of queer/transgender radical activists in STL- be it "Bash Back!" or something else--especially those of you who are  part of an affinity group of some sort and/or any other gaggle of people who may already be engaging in direct action.  Perhaps starting a BB! chapter here would be superfluous- I don't know.  If that's the case, I hope you will share your experiences and/or insights and ideas with those of us who are not as well-connected to the radical queer/transgender community in the STL area!

(I already know that the liberals and progressives think that Bash Back! is the most ridiculous, stupid, counterproductive, laughable, naïve, and childish manifestation of a deep-seated psychopathology known to modern psychiatry.... but say it again in the comments section if you must).

From the Bash Back! News site: 

Bash Back! formed in 2007 with a small group of Radical Transfolk, Queers and Allies organizing against the Republican National Convention. In April of 2008 over 100 radical Trans/Queer/Allied folk met in Chicago to formulate plans against the RNC/DNC and to start a long lasting network. Anyone who agrees with the Points of Unity can start a Bash Back! Chapter.


Members of Bash Back! must agree to:

1. Fight for liberation. Nothing more, nothing less. State recognition in the form of oppressive institutions such as marriage and militarism are not steps toward liberation but rather towards heteronormative assimilation.

2. A rejection of Capitalism, Imperialism, and all forms of State power.

3. Actively oppose oppression both in and out of the “movement.” All oppressive behavior is not to be tolerated.

4. Respect a diversity of tactics in the struggle for liberation. Do not solely condemn an action on the grounds that the State deems it to be illegal.


So, there you have it.  If anyone is specifically interested in bringing the Bash Back! movement to STL, those are the principles upon which the movement is based.  Just thought I'd put that out there.

I also figured I'd post Gay Shame's points of unity (and their advice on starting a non-hierarchical direct action group) to provide an example of a radical queer/transgender tendency with similar goals but a somewhat different approach/flair:

We will express outrage through symbolic actions in order to inspire ourselves to confront power dynamics and disseminate information.

We will not only critique targets like corporations, but we will also expose inconsistencies within our social groups and so-called “communities”, in order to grow more toward our radical ideals. Whenever possible, we will use humor and satire to get our points across and to critique ourselves.

We will call out the greed and consumerism inherent in mainstream gay identity. We are dedicated to fighting capitalism and it’s resulting inequalities.

We will go beyond theorizing to make our actions not only fun but also empowering.

Our goal is to serve as a catalyst to encourage people to take direct action and civil disobedience further.

Our goal is to create a home for the culturally homeless.

Assimilation is erasure. We resist assimilation in all its forms.

Fighting racism, classism, misogyny, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism and all other hierarchies is the central purpose of GAY SHAME, not an add-on. We will create a space where radical queers can challenge these hierarchies.
Be sure to check out their image gallery-which sadly doesn't get updated anymore, though they still seem to be wreaking glamorous havoc wherever they go. You can see pictures from previous actions such as the "KKKutest of the Castro" protest, their answer to "the tired body fascism of the Castro." 

So that's all for now.  I look forward to hearing what you think and learning more about any opportunities for queer/transgender defiance that may already be taking place.

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